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Integrative Practitioner Mastermind Community

Private·2 members


Integrative Practitioner Mastermind Community Guidelines

Welcome to our collaborative community of forward-thinking healers! To ensure that our mastermind remains a safe, supportive, and growth-oriented space for all members, please adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Respect and Professionalism

   - Treat all members with respect, regardless of their background, experience level, or approach to healing.

   - Maintain a professional demeanor in all interactions, even when discussing challenging topics.

   - Be mindful of cultural differences and avoid assumptions about others' experiences or beliefs.

2. Confidentiality

   - What's shared in the mastermind stays in the mastermind. Do not share personal information or case details outside of our community.

   - If you wish to share general insights or learnings, ensure they are anonymized and cannot be traced back to specific individuals.

3. Active Participation

   - Engage regularly with the community through forum discussions, "hotseat" sessions, and collaborative activities.

   - When seeking help, be clear and specific about your challenges or questions.

   - Offer support and insights to others when you can – your unique perspective is valuable!

4. Open-Mindedness

   - Approach new ideas and perspectives with curiosity and openness.

   - Remember that our diversity of experiences and approaches is a strength of this community.

   - If you disagree with someone, do so respectfully and focus on ideas rather than individuals.

5. Evidence-Based Approach

   - While we value intuition and diverse healing modalities, strive to ground your contributions in evidence-based practice where possible.

   - Be willing to provide sources or explanations for your approaches when asked.

6. Ethical Considerations

   - Always prioritize client well-being and ethical practice in your discussions and shared strategies.

   - If you're unsure about the ethical implications of an approach, ask for input from the community.

7. Non-Promotion

   - While we encourage sharing resources, avoid self-promotion or excessive marketing of your services within the community.

   - If you have a resource to share, ensure it's relevant and valuable to the current discussion.

8. Constructive Feedback

   - When offering feedback, be honest but kind. Focus on actionable suggestions for improvement.

   - Receive feedback graciously, viewing it as an opportunity for growth rather than criticism.

9. Technical Etiquette

   - During video calls, mute your microphone when not speaking to minimize background noise.

   - Be mindful of time limits during "hotseat" sessions to ensure everyone has a chance to participate.

10. Commitment to Growth

    - Approach your participation in this mastermind with a commitment to both personal and professional growth.

    - Be willing to challenge your own assumptions and comfort zones.

11. Support and Empowerment

    - Celebrate the successes of your fellow members, no matter how small.

    - Offer encouragement and support during challenging times.

12. Holistic Perspective

    - Embrace the integrative nature of our mastermind by considering the whole person (including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects) in discussions and problem-solving.

13. Responsibility and Accountability

    - Take responsibility for your own learning and growth within the mastermind.

    - If you commit to an action or promise support to another member, follow through.

14. Concerns and Conflict Resolution

    - If you have concerns about another member's behavior or the content of discussions, please reach out to the mastermind facilitators privately.

    - Approach conflicts as opportunities for growth and understanding rather than division.

By participating in the Integrative Practitioner Mastermind, you agree to abide by these guidelines. Remember, our goal is to create a community where we can all learn, grow, and elevate our practices together. Your commitment to these principles helps make that possible.

Thank you for your dedication to your own growth and to supporting the growth of your fellow practitioners. Together, we'll create ripples of positive change that extend far beyond our individual practices.


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  • 27 days ago


  • Heather Gunther

    Created by

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