Girls' Group

Girls UNITE!
Does your daughter:
feel comfortable in her skin?
feel confident and capable?
have positive friendships?
If not…
Join Girls Unite! a 5-week group for girls 11-14 years old focused on self-esteem, body image, and the challenges of becoming a teen.
Wednesdays 4:30 - 6pm
November 4th - December 9th*
*No Group Thanksgiving week
Each week we will work on a different topic to establish social skills, strategies to handle emotions and feel more empowered as an individual and in group situations.
November 4th (Week 1) Connecting and developing relationships
In getting to know her new group of peers, your daughter will explore how she wants to present herself in the world which includes healthy boundaries and knowing when and how to trust others.
November 11th (Week 2) Generating an awareness of body and feelings
This week, your daughter will expand her toolbox of resources by which to express emotions. Using art and movement, the group with explore and experiment emotions to better understand their uses, trappings and the power of communication.
November 18th (Week 3) Expressing emotions
Young or old, we all have an inner critic that is judging us: our body, choices, grades... This week, your daughter will explore the difference between her inner critic and her authentic voice - finding greater clarity and confidence in who she is through sound, group work and art.
November 25th: Thanksgiving, no group.
December 2nd (Week 4) Feeling powerful
This is the opportunity for your daughter to really get to start using her new tools, and tap into internal resources. She will be challenged to access the self-empowerment she has been building throughout the 4 previous weeks.
December 9th (Week 5) Integration and goodbyes
She'll get one last reminder of capable, confident and powerful she is and your daughter will be ready to say goodbye to the friends she's made and apply what she has learned.
To apply, please complete the following forms and return them to PlayTherapyBoulder@gmail.com
Cost: $95
Please let us know if you need fiancial assistance in order to offer this opportunity to your daughter.